With changing times, paying bills is probably the most common way to utilize online services. Today, majority bills,including utility bills,loans, payment of credit cards and telephone bills can be paid online. Internet banking has reached to such a growth that it is difficult to imagine life without the internet. In previous days, you were needed to take time out, stand in long queues for paying the bills or going out for online mobile recharge (such as BSNL online recharge) which not only wasted time, but made your task reallylaborious. Due to this, many people are interrupted in paying their bills; as a result they have to submit late fee charges. But now,with the advancement of technology, you only need to sit at your desk, login your account and pay off the bill immediately.

In online payment method, the money is exchanged electronically with the help of networks of computer, internet and also digital valued systems. It usually includes transaction of monetary funds from a customers’ account.The merchant who accepts these payments need to comply with list of security requirements to protect the transaction from any kind of scam or frauds. The 3 main reasons for paying bills online are:

·         Quick, hassle free and secure:
No doubt, online bill payment system is much faster than traditional check and stamp method. There are no paper bills; instead when you go online,you can also choose automatic payment methodwhich saves your time and efforts. Along with this, online payment systems have eliminated the need forstamps. It might be obvious that people think that there is threat of hacking or spyware. However, while making online transactions, you can protect personal information in your emails rather that flowing information through paper statements to a wrong destination.

·      Online payments allow usage of credit cards:
It is one of the unique featuresof online payments that you can pay off your bills or do online shopping via credit cards. Credit cards can be used from different countriesand they also offer you multiple layer of security. Additionally, when you run short of funds, credit card intimates you about the same as soon as possible,thus eliminating the worry of overdrafts or bouncing of checks a week later. Today, every website offers you multiple payment options so that customers can use credit card of any bank for making easy or last minute payments.

·      Provides easy consolidation:
While making online bill payment, you can de-clutter your finances and this helps you maintain your finances inan organized and a planned way. This is beneficial because this way you can make on-time payments and make your process less daunting. All your bills are gathered at the same place that is in your mail box and you can even review the previous bills when needed.

Online banking is a unique feature given by various banks where you can also apply for new account, stop payment and order check books via communicating with them online. Therefore, number of people are choosing this service and enjoying the tremendous benefits of paying bills online via your favorite apps too.


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