There are Many Social networks around the web.Every social network is in  it`s full efforts to be at the top. The social network which has gain the popularity since 1 Year is coming with more and more plugins and apps for the webmasters and bloggers around the globe
so they could get also get some popularity other social networks also links to sites and blogs but the main problem is that they give a nofollow attribution to external links. Therefore, it doesn’t effect the pagerank as well.Pinterest recentely introduced a verfied ownership of the blog that gives a dofollow backlink to your site and if you have some active subcribers more then 45 then you will surely get page rank 1 that is said by pinterest itself.Pinterest has not officially tell the way to blog owners which are using blogger service that how to verify their blogger blog but here i am to reveal this secret that how to verify your blogger blog for pinterest verified ownership.

Just Follow The  instruction That How to Complete Verification Process

  1. Go to pinterest sign in to your account
  2. On the right side click on you name go to settings
  3. Now scroll down and look for a  area where is written “Website”. Find it type your website URL and press the “Verify Website” button.
(Note: > > Type the URL of the website correctly because the automated system checks the url for the verification.

4:After clicking the verify button you will be redirected to a new page where you will be asked to upload a file to your website server but blogger does not have this functionality so that`s the point now what to do just download the file and open with the notepad and copy all the html in it

5:Now Create a new post and click on html tab and paste all the html in it.
new post
6:Now click on schedule tab and set the date when ever you posted your first post .

7:Now click on links tab and try to make permalink short 
8:Now publish the post and then find it in your posts with the date it wll surely be in the end view the post in the new tab it will have url like this in the picture below
9:Now You have to make a page redirect 
10:Go to settings tab >> Search preferences >> Click edit infront of custom redirects
making redirects

11:Click on make a new redirect > > Replace your published post url with the url pinterest wants to verify.
making a redirect permanent



12:Click on click here to verify on pinterest website and all done!

Now go to your profile and you will see your website url verified icon next to it


From the Author`s Desk > > >

Getting quality backlinks from top quality websites always plays a key role in improving the SERP ranking.Plz give comments about how you feel about this new pinterest feature . Thank you for reading my efforts 
