It's time to dance on the floor because all the bloggers who are waiting for the pr update anxiously the good news for them is the final pr update of the year 2013 is updated and after that you have to wait approx one more year for the next page rank update.Google and +Matt Cutts was denying again and again that there would be no pr update before 2014 and there are hundreds of rumors that pr update will expire.I always said to my blogging freinds and those newbies which question me about pr update I always ask them that pr update can never be expired.Those bloggers who were busy building links was waiting anxiously for this update and also rewarded as well now.As you all know that I am not giving a proper time to my blog in case of publishing new posts but I reply to questions asked by your side on daily basis.I have not build even a single link by my self but still got Pr 2 and I am happy with it.

What Was Matt Saying Last Month ?

I still don't understand that why was Google denying always when a question was asked about pr update but as usual they came up with the surprise because all the expected dates was passed and bloggers are thinking of an update in 2014 as Matt said.

What To Do If You Are Not Rewarded ?

This does not matter that you are not rewarded but you can go for the next time and should come up with flying colours you can read my old articles on Algorithm update and how to survive them.


  1. I agree with you. It is really surprised for us. Congrats for PR2.

  2. Interesting article, so if a website isn't page ranked yet they wont be page ranked until 2014? Is that what it means?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

