When anybody including me starts a blog the first strategy is to drive traffic because you need promotion and visitor share your content if it is worth reading and useful then you need to know some basic techniques to drive immediate traffic to your brand new blog in such a competition because every second person has a blog and have some thing to share today i will expose some of my own applied techniques which work like a rocket and they really helped me a lot  when i started this blog.Yesterday i started a new blog on wordpress and increased the popularity of this network so i shall also tell some techniques for wordpress owners,yes wordpress is seo freindly but without tactics you cannot survive.I will revel the blog on 12 June,2013 the first anniversary of Blogging Heaven there are lots of surprises and giveaways i have managed for that day so get ready and get subscribed by email and don`t forget to confirm it and be the first to know what is happening on this blog.

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I cannot ask you to pick any one of this tip all are awesome and applied by my self on this blog and new blog so you have to make a schedule to apply them together to get most out of it.

Publish Posts At Good Frequency

The more you have good post frequency and quality content which has ability to force visitors to share your efforts the more your blog go up in serp.At the start i recommend you publish posts regularly for approx 2 months and you will end up with total 60 posts and then filter these sixty posts and delete some of them which are no more useful or featured on many other blogs and then you will have approx 40 awesome and unique posts.Promote them on you social profiles and link them with each other with appropriate keywords.After you have 40 posts then start publishing 3 unique and quality posts in a week and keep this pace for approximate 6 months  and in six months your blog will be established and well known in the community if you apply these professional techniques stated below.Now this blog has 96 awesome and unique posts because the real number of posts i ended up in December 2012 was 150.I deleted 90 posts and left with only 60 quality posts. :)

Be Humble

If you think that blogging is a game of days or months then you are totally wrong there are 2 cases from 100 which got success in a very short time and they are extraordinary in their work and have passion to work.Be humble and wait for correct time to take action my advice to all of newbie bloggers out their. 
      "Be professional in your work don`t lose your passion if you have some thing in your mind and you think it is innovative than don`t be late immediately write it down and hit the publish button"

World is still running on hope so don`t lose your hope and don`t ever think that blogging is hard and i cannot do it.Nothing in this world is impossible but the exact and correct time.

I Comment On Other Blogs 

Not just comment read each and every blog post before commenting this will surely increase your grammar and you will comment according to the post.Don`t comment like "nice post, great post, great work , just for a link back to your blog you will lose you authority and exposure as well.Comment on comluv enabled blogs and on wordpress blogs having default commenting system.Blogs having handsome pr and alexa ranking will help you a lot getting new and loyal visitors.

Take The Topics Circulating Around 

If you want to get fast and more hits or your content then publish posts on topics which are mostly needed or circulating around the easiest way to know that what is happening in the outer world subscribe large networks which have  deep connection with search engine authorities and know much more better than you like searchenginewatch,searchenginejournal,seroundtable.If there are rumors around pr update the post about pr update and how to get it fast if there are rumors about any panda or penguin update then post about that topic you will get more shares and more hits on that post because people are searching for that and if you have best keywords and catchy title then you are selected for the job :)

Guest Post

Guest posting is the fastest and well known method to all bloggers i will not define here that what is guest posting because every body knows that what is guest posting.This does not mean that you will get your blog up in serp only on next pr update when your guest post is published on any other blog with handsome pr and good popularity you are up in search results there are thousands of algorithm changes happen in search engine which they do not tell to normal bloggers so you will see the boast in your traffic as you make quality backlinks.

Create Community

Creating a community these days is the first strategy of every blogger because all the people in the community are bloggers like you and understand the whole process and every one wants to earn some new knowledge and you can even get new subscribers for your blog.The best community platform is Facebook groups  or Google+ community and they work well if used effectively.

Social Media:I Am A Big Fan Of This Personality 

These days social media has became the backbone of seo for your blog and i cannot even think of blogging without social media this is the fastest and immediate way of traffic to your content so keep promoting your blog and content on pages/groups in your niche which allow promoting and use you official blog and your all social media profiles to drive a burst of traffic to your newly published post or blog.

Author`s Desk > > >
Blogging is not a joke you need some time to get successful in it and make your name in the industry.These all tips are myself tested and they work like rocket for me so i can surely say that they will work for you as well.So the comment box is all yours don`t hesitate to drop your precious thoughts about this post.


  1. Commenting on other blogs with comluv enabled does this practice really help for getting traffic i have read about this on so many blogs but never take it seriously but i think i have to do it will also help me for getting backlinks for inner pages .Great article

  2. Yes adel this is best think i have ever done you have to spend almost 1 hour daily for that and you can get your desired exposure.

  3. If you have to survive in serp world than try to make strong links that will really help you when Google ranks websites in the search results

  4. You have a unique perspective regarding, blogging, Tayyab. I like the outside the box thinking and methodology, especially in the "Publish Posts at Good Frequency". I will be sharing this valuable article with other bloggers searching for the kind of knowledge you share here. Your encouragement is wonderful. Thank you so much.

    1. It will be my honor to provide you more professional and unique content and information in the future. Thank you so much :)

  5. These tips are backbone of any blog. if any blogger wants to get a handsome earning then he/she should keep these point in his mind. This is the only to get earned.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. These tips would be too helpful for any blogger.


