Visitor reliability and satisfaction is the first thing that a blogger should do because visitors then became loyal visitors and subscribers.Every one out there shall try his best so that no one leaves his blog disappointingly.So staying away from seo and on page and off page techniques we should try some new techniques so the visitors stay on our blog and be engaged with us as long as possible.So today i came up with some awesome information to share with you that how to convert your blog or any blog or website you want into a mp3 podcast so you can listen it on the go on your phone and on your pc while surfing internet.
What Are The Benefits Of listening Articles As Podcast ?
- You can listen them while you are on the go.
- If you listen articles and as well as read them both together it can dramatically change your grammar and your pronunciation as well.
- There is a bit difference in reading and listening while reading we always miss some points if the article is huge but while you are listening you have to listen it word to word.
- You can download the podcast and listen them when you are free.
- The podcast reading software takes a lot care about grammar and pronunciation so you can understand the article completely.
How To Convert Your Articles Into Mp3 Podcast ?
All the stuff is not so mysterious you just have to put the url of your favourite article and then listen to it as podcast by going to Soundgecko and there are some other benefits of sound gecko which are discussed below.
Automatic Rss Podcast subscription
This is a pro feature but the price is not a big deal just 2.95$ /month and it is just cheaper than morning coffee.The good thing is you can subscribe to 1 auto feed in free account.You can add your favourite rss from your selected websites and then just be calm the daily new rss feed podcast shall be send to your phone and your selected email and you can listen it there.
Pdf 2 Podcast
This is also a pro feature You have downloaded your favourite ebook or research book you have in your pc in a pdf format or any articles in pdf format just upload the pdf file to Soundgecko and get converted in podcast and listen to it while you are on the go.
Multi-task Every Where
Clear Your readings while you are on the go on public transport ,exersice or driving you can download mobile apps for iphone , Windows phone & Andriod and enjoy your articles on the way.
Create Your Own Station
You can Create your own station just like Blogging-Heaven and you will be given a unique url and the station will be automatically updated when the websites listed by you are updated but there are few bugs in it we have contacted sound gecko so they might correct them as soon as possible. Bugs are like comments which are posted on posts are also indexed by sound gecko and another bug is that reader reads everything written on the page including page title,permalinks,date,gmt, and many other things you can cheak out Blogging-Heaven`s station.
Send Articles In Your Account While You Are Surfing The Web
By Installing Chrome addon you can tag articles just by a click and listen to them immediately no matter what type of article is it you can add the plugin from here.You can also add a bookmarklet to your browser and send articles to your soundgecko account on the go.
What is the limit ?
I recommend you to go for free as long as you can because you can listen upto 30 articles per day with 4000 words capacity of each article but in free some features like additional voices and pdf document is not available and you can get only 1 auto rss feed podcast in free account so go as far as you can and enjoy it.
Really nice post great information