Today Blogging Heaven is completing the series with the great success of visitor feedback and support and hope will come again with such a wonderfull series on a more important topic.SEO strategy involves performing a thorough keyword analysis — a check to determine which keywords people use to search the Web. Without this component of SEO, you will just be spinning your wheels trying to gain traction in a highly competitive marketplace.
11: Meta Tags Optimizaion
Way back when that wall was still upright search engine algorithms were so dumb they couldn’t work out what a page was about just from the content. So some bright spark had the ingenious idea to create a set of tags (meta tags) that inferred information about a pages content to the search engines.
Great idea, except there was nothing to stop a webmaster stuffing or spamming their Meta Tags with irrelevant, but very high traffic keywords and keyword phrases.
For Google adding the Description Meta Tag won’t result in a boost in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), but the description might be used for the description for your SERP listings in Google. So though you won’t get a ranking boost, if your write an interesting Description Meta Tag and Google uses it (not guaranteed), you might get a higher click through rate compared to a random snippet of text from your pages. All other meta tags (including the Keywords Meta Tag) are either completely ignored or won’t result in a SERPs boost.
Yahoo says they use the Keyword Meta Tag when it ranks a page. So it makes sense to add one for Yahoo and any other minor search engines that still use. Also there are directories and other websites that automatically take this information to create a listing to your site. Don’t fret over it though, add the main phrase for that page to the Keywords Meta Tag and user friendly description of the page to the Description Meta Tag and forget about it.
12: Online Competitor Analysis
A competitor analysis is a formal evaluation in which you review the Popularity of one or more Blogs/Websites that compete, directly or indirectly, with your own.
Online, competitors have access to each other's information and marketing materials that they might not be able to gather as easily in the offline world. This allows for even greater opportunities to benefit from competitive analysis data.
But how can a Blog/Website improve by analyzing their competitors? And what is the best way to implement a thorough competitive analysis?
The benefits of conducting a competitive analysis include:
- You will identify who you are competing against. You will be able to assess the threat levels presented by other Blogs/Websites on you.
- You will identify your own weaknesses. Blogs who do not pay attention to their competitors may not understand just what they are doing wrong because they have no frame of reference. Studying your competitors offers you a perfect opportunity to find out how you can better serve your Visitor.
- Once you've identified those weaknesses, you'll be able to improve your blog in a number of ways. The order in which those improvements should be implemented will often be dictated by the analyses of your competitors.
- You will also identify your strengths. By comparing your own online presence to those of your direct competitors, you will discover what sets your blog apart from theirs. These qualities can then be emphasized in your marketing efforts.
- Additionally, you will be able to identify or confirm your Unique Value Proposition (UVP). Your UVP is the single most important element of your blog that sets you apart from your competitors. Do you have the largest catalog of products? The lowest prices? The best customer service?
- You will be able to determine what factors drive success to you. These may vary greatly from market to market, and may not be what you originally expected.
- You will identify what specific actions you need to take in order to improve your competitive position.
13: Content Optimization
There are aspects of the optimization process that gain and lose importance. Content optimization is no exception to this. Through the many algorithm changes that take place each year, the weight given to the content on your pages rises and falls. Currently incoming links appear to supply greater advantage than well-written and optimized content. So why are we taking an entire article in this series to focus on the content optimization?
The goal for anyone following this series is to build and optimize a website that will rank well on the major search engines and, more difficult and far more important, hold those rankings through changes in the search engine algorithms. While currently having a bunch of incoming links from high PageRank sites will do well for you on Google you must consider what will happen to your rankings when the weight given to incoming links drops, or how your website fares on search engines other than Google that don't place the same emphasis on incoming links.
While there are many characteristics of your content that are in the algorithmic calculations, there are a few that consistently hold relatively high priority
- Heading Tags
- Special Text (bold, colored, etc.)
- Inline Text Links
- Keyword Density
Heading Tags
The heading tag (for those who don't already know) is code used to specify to the visitor and to the search engines what the topic is of your page and/or subsections of it. You have 6 predefined heading tags to work with ranging from <H1> to <H6>.
By default these tags appear larger than standard text in a browser and are bold. These aspects can be adjusted using the font tags or by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Special Text
"Special text" (as it is used here) special is any content on your page that is set to stand out from the rest. This includes bold, underlined, colored, highlighted, sizing and italic. This text is given weight higher than standard content and rightfully so. Bold text, for example, is generally used to define sub-headings (see above), or to pull content out on a page to insure the visitor reads it. The same can be said for the other "special text" definitions.
Search engines have thus been programmed to read this as more important than the rest of the content and will give it increased weight. For example, on our homepage we begin the content with "Blogging-Heaven Search Engine Optimization …" and have chosen to bold this text. This serves two purposes. The first is to draw the eye to these words and further reinforce the "brand". The second purpose (and it should always be the second) is to add weight to the "Search Engine Positioning" portion of the name. It effectively does both.
Inline Text Links
Inline text links are links added right into text in the verbiage of your content. For example, in this article series I may make reference to past articles in the series. Were I to refer to the article on keyword selection, rather than simply making a reference to it as I just have it might be better to write it as, "Were I to refer to the article on keyword selection rather"
Like special text this serves two purposes. The first is to give the reader a quick and easy way to find the information you are referring to. The second purpose of this technique is to give added weight to this phrase for the page on which the link is located and also to give weight to the target page.
Keyword Density
For those of you who have never heard the term "keyword density" before, it is the percentage of your total content that is made up of your targeted keywords. There is much debate in forums, SEO chat rooms and the like as to what the "optimal" keyword density might be. Estimates seem to range from 3% to 10%.
While I would be the first to admit that logic dictates that indeed there is an optimal keyword density. Knowing that search engines operate on mathematical formulas implies that this aspect of your website must have some magic number associated with it that will give your content the greatest chance of success.
With this in mind there are three points that you should consider:
- You do not work for Google or Yahoo! or any of the other major search engines (and if you do you're not the target audience of this article). You will never know 100% what this "magic number" is.
- Even if you did know what the optimal keyword density was today, would you still know it after the next update? Like other aspects of the search engine algorithm, optimal keyword densities change. You will be chasing smoke if you try to constantly have the optimal density and chances are you will hinder your efforts more than help by constantly changing the densities of your site.
- The optimal keyword density for one search engine is not the same as it is for another. Chasing the density of one may very well ruin your efforts on another.
Search Engine Submission
"Search engine submission" refers to the act of getting your web site listed with search engines. Another term for this is search engine registration.
Getting listed does not mean that you will necessarily rank well for particular terms, however. It simply means that the search engine knows your pages exist.
Think of it as a lottery. Search engine submission is akin to your purchasing a lottery ticket. Having a ticket doesn't mean that you will win, but you must have a ticket to have any chance at all.
Image Optimization
Image optimization is using the most compressed (smallest file size) yet visually acceptable image in the proper file format for the specific role of the image.
Manual image optimization is an easy process and not something that you should have to go out of your way to do. First of all, you should be tinkering with all your images in Adobe Photoshop. Other programs, despite promise, are not on the same level as Photoshop. After you have manipulated your image to the correct appearance and canvas size for the job, you need to use the “Save for Web” command from the file menu. This will allow you exercise fine-grained control over the image and its file size.
The first thing to do is select a format for the job. A rule of thumb: if your image is similar to a photograph (something with thousands or even millions of colors), you should be using a .jpg format. If your image is more similar to a graphic (think an illustration, or something that has less than 300 colors), you should be using a .gif or .png format. Many sites have jpegs when they should be using gifs or pngs. When in doubt, trust your eyes and toggle back and forth between jpg and gif. Make sure you look for distortion around sharp edges in .jpgs as a sign of poor quality.
Jpeg graphic (.jpg) sizes are determined by the image canvas size and the quality of the image. The quality is a factor between 1 and 100, with 100 being the highest quality, that determines how much compression is applied to the image. Sometimes, you will see this quality rating in the range of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest quality. Though it depends on the particular use of the image, most jpgs look best and are most efficient between 50-70 quality. 50 being the lower range for less important pictures, and 70 being the highest for larger, more important pictures, like a title graphic or headshot of an important person.
You should also rename your image to the title or relvant phrase of your post like (basic-steps-of-good-seo.jpg).This could effect your SERP rating. Example
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Click To Enlarge |
I hope you understand all the basic steps of search engine optimization and apply on your site or blog till then peace and stay blessed.... Happy SEO.
Basic Steps Of Good SEO Series Completed Succesfully.
Basic Steps Of Good SEO Part 1 Published
Basic Steps Of Good SEO Part 2 Published
Basic Steps OF Good SEO Part 3 Publsihed