These days Social Networks are the king. They are now called the backbone of Seo.Every Person which is a blogger or uses internet is on many kind of social networks. when we sit infront of our pc and most of us have a specific time and have to cheak our email social media notifications we have to open all of them separately.And sometimes we missed some of our emails or notifications due to time short-age.Then you think why they all not come under one platform so i am here to introduce such a platform which will help you to manage your social media platforms and your emails under one hood and this will do this quite wondefully that in a short time you can see all of your notifications. emails, friend request and messages all in only one open tab and you can respond it immediately if you want, from the same window isn`t that cool.

How Does NutshellMail From Constant Contact Work?
Constant Contact's NutshellMail takes copies of all your latest updates in your social networking accounts and places them in a snapshot email.
The NutshellMail Update is then sent to your primary email address on your schedule.
Why Should You Use Nutshell ?
- You use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Foursquare, and/or Citysearch
- You want a better way to monitor and manage your social media presence
- You waste time logging in to each account separately
- You can't afford to miss activity related to your business
- It's Free, Easy, and Secure
Better Facebook Tracking
Manage your Facebook Pages. Keep track of Likes, Posts, Comments, and Insights.
Manage your personal Facebook profile too, with all your Facebook Birthdays, Photos, Friend Requests, Wall Posts, News Feed, Event & Group Invites, and Messages in one interactive email.
Better Twitter Tracking
See your mentions, new followers, quitters, search results, and tweets from your favorite lists in your Twitter summary. Tweet, Reply, Retweet, and DM without leaving your inbox.
Better LinkedIn Tracking
See profile updates and recommendations from your entire network and monitor all your discussion groups via a single, consolidated email.
Till then peace & stay blessed...!